The Morgan’s

Created by Jamie 3 years ago

The passing of Joan has hit us all

The last of the Morgan women to fall

They have all gone now and we are left

To mourn, to remember, to feel bereft


The girls, their life, now all together

Laughing, smoking, drinking forever

We all need to live and do as they did

not dwell on the closing of the lid


Joan, Maud, Rose and Emm

Lets make sure we never forget them

We may all have different surnames

But we aew Morgans, we are all the same


Fighters all and close as can be

We travel far, each other to see

Live your lives and please dont moan

Just remember, the nan, the mum, aunt Joan


Joan was a sister, mum and nan

She is now with her family the final plan

So lets toast her life and raise a glass

To rembrr our Joan, a lady of class
